We are delighted and excited to announce that the IFIS&IZ al-Ghazzali Academy is completing the 3rd academic year program of ‘Classical-Islamic Madrasa Studies from an Academic Perspective in the European Context’. The third academic year of the IFIS&IZ al-Ghazzali Academy, which is funded by KUDEM, ends with an essential book of classical Arabian grammar; al-Kāfiya.

Known for his works about grammar in the Eastern Islamic World, Ibn al-Ḥāǧib (d. 646/1249) is rather known for his works concerning Islamic Law and the methodology of Islamic Law, especially in the Western Islamic world. This important work was taught for centuries in the Ottoman madrasahs as a concise textbook in the field of syntax (al-Nahw).

İt seems that Ibn al-Ḥāǧib was mainly inspired by the intriguing book of al-Zamaḫšarī (d. 538/1144) named al-Mufaṣṣal. İn al-Kāfiya, he often refers to opinions of leading grammarians, from time to time he mentions Arabic dialects, and occasionally he proves his point by giving examples from verses of the Holy Qur’ân and poems.

The book al-Kāfiya is arranged in three main sections;  names (asmā ʾ), verbs (of ʿāl) and particles (ḥurūf), and each section are then organised into several subcategories. Many scholars, including the author himself, has written over 100 commentaries (Shurûh) on al-Kāfiya. To these commentaries, many additional specific commentaries (Ḥāshiya and Ta’lîq) were written.

We pray to Allāh The Exalted, to help us grasp the subtleties of Arabic grammar within this book, and we ask Him to aid us to understand the Qur’ān and the Sunnah correctly. Āmīn!